More than a matter of "skills" and tools," learning is driven by character. Skills-based work does not go deep enough to support real change.
The skill set of delegation has no impact if you are unable to address your need for control. Communications skills training will fall on deaf ears when you're driven by a need to avoid conflict. Training in performance management systems has little staying power if you don't really care about the development of your people.
At CCBL, we get to the heart of the matter...focusing on the key character shifts required for real change and growth.
What's the one change in you, in your team or company—that will bring about the biggest ROI? What current job/life challenge is igniting your energy to learn and grow? What current market condition or industry shift is challenging your organization to change?
New learning experiences: Expand the possibilities, stretch your comfort zone, try something new. Start thinking and acting in productive new ways.
Testing yourself in new situations leads to increased self-awareness. You discover competing commitments within yourself. You begin to uncover what really motivates you and your decision making.
One breakthrough gives us a glimpse of what we are capable of; it is an entirely different character challenge to build the new habits that will integrate this new potential into our daily operating style. We learn to break old, dysfunctional habits and master new habits.
Many people have the energy or "craving" to be better initially, but lose the energy to keep up the disciplined practice. A single-minded commitment and sense of meaningful payoff are required to make the new level of effectiveness the normal way of operating.
When shifts occur, they are always associated with the emergence of significant new capability. We are better matched to the demands of the world.
—Spiral Dynamics, Don Beck
It starts with...
Draws energy from...
It balances...
The passion...
It's the impulse..