Today’s challenges call for bigger minds, the capacity for shared leadership, and the ability to cut through the distractions of today’s world to focus on real, sustained progress.
We are passionate about helping leaders make the vital shift from being technical/functional experts to real leaders—shifting how they show up to lead and manage people, how they partner cross-function, how they interface in your market, and how they think and influence the direction and decisions of their teams.
To do so we start from a character base and challenge them along the key developmental markers of:
• Thought leadership
• Shared leadership
• Results-based leadership
Thought leadership—Becoming an agenda setter >>>
Get out of the weeds...move nimbly between the tactical details of day-to-day work and the ability to synthesize experience into a wider, long range view.
Engage in conversations that enlarge the story rather than diminish it.
Shift from fixing and problem solving—stuck in the same territory—to spotting opportunities and truly innovating.
Through individual and peer coaching, we help leaders embrace the habits/practices required to “get out of the weeds” and develop big picture, strategic thinking skills.
Everyone talks about big picture and strategic thinking as the elixir of leadership, yet few have comprehensive learning platforms to build these muscles. Our approach is integrated, involves learning how to shift gears from tactical to strategic, and how to create the necessary white space as we face day-to-day demands so the habits of big picture thinking become natural.
Shared leadership—Engaging and mobilizing people >>>
Shared Leadership
Get your team engaged by sharing the leadership space so they can make a difference. When leaders master the character practices that fuel innovation…relating to others without suppressing passion for ideas and the realistic framing of possibilities…individuals see an invitation to step up to leadership.
Extend your trust radius up, across, and outward as well as with your team. You need competence and expertise to gain credibility, but that only allows you to step into a leadership role. At this stage, a key character shift needs to occur: away from the joys of individual performance to the deeper satisfactions of team development (up and down) and peer collaboration (left and right). This shift from self to other is the backbone of trust.
There is broad agreement about the call for collaboration and shared leadership, given the speed and complexity of the world we must navigate. Developing the muscles of shared leadership is challenging for achievement-oriented professionals moving into leadership roles. Fighting the compelling case for collaboration is a craving for autonomy and control of deep areas of specialty. Through peer coaching we help people recognize and frame these competing commitments and help them make breakthroughs around the possibilities of co-creation through shared leadership.
Results-based leadership—Cultivating the habits of success >>>
The habits of success are the habits of good character...
More than a matter of “skills” and “tools,” success is driven by the disciplines of character. Habits, however, that support individual success often need to be transformed into broader disciplines that support team and organizational success.
We take leaders through an in-depth examination of their character and in the process challenge their mind-sets to take on a bigger picture view of what real success looks like, how results are best achieved in the context of a group, and how they can instill the essential disciplines in their teams that the organization requires for its success.
We start by supporting the leader in strengthening the core success habits in his/her own operating style. We then turn to their skill in helping their talent experience a sense of real progress on critical, value-added priorities of their roles.
We then turn to their skills in helping others maximize results. Our work stresses the need to develop the healthy relationships required to achieve results on jointly owned outcomes.
Finally, we expand the scope to the organizational level—honing their ability to communicate the organization’s vision in a way that helps their team focus on the key habits and disciplines that support strategic execution.